'When you want something, the whole Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.'
Paolo Coelo


Are you a woman seeking a meaningful transformation in your life?

Welcome to MetaMorphoSis, a comprehensive course designed specifically for you. Our program guides you to harness the power of tantric massage, offering a pathway to a fulfilling career, empowerment, financial abundance and healing.

Meet Your Guide to Transformation 🦋

Hi, I’m Moon, a tantric massage therapist with Love and Truth as my core values.

For the past 7 years, I've nurtured a successful tantric massage practice, and now, I feel it's time to share everything I've learned.

In this course, I invite you to embark on a journey to build a career that will not only transform your life but also touch the lives of many others. My approach is a harmonious blend of the practical and the spiritual, as Tantra has beautifully taught me.

Are you ready to dive into a new chapter of personal and professional growth? Join me, and let's begin this transformative adventure together!

My Mission

To support and inspire women worldwide to live purposeful and abundant lives doing a job that is meaningful and makes a difference in the world. The techniques and practices I teach have transformed my life, and I believe they can do the same for you.

Just imagine…

Having a Meaningful Job: Touching lives and reaching souls.

💗 A Fulfilling career path: By becoming a professional tantric masseuse, you can achieve a sustainable and rewarding career, personal healing and financial stability.

Charging Premium Fees: Earn 6 figures annual salary by seeing 2-3 clients a day, 5 days a week.

💗 Increased Earnings: Charge £150-£300 per hour depending on location.

💗 Owning Your Business: Keep all your earnings with no agency fees or advertising costs.

Advanced bookings for peace of mind: my sessions are booked 2-3 weeks in advance

Long term career: I had tantric massages from women in their 50s

Build a loyal client base: about half of my clients are regular clients

Honouring Your Body and Boundaries: Always be in control, maintaining the giver position.

Enjoying Flexibility: Set your own schedule and work wherever you choose.

Leading with Your Heart: Operate a business driven by love and compassion.

Healing and Self-Love: Discover how tantra can enrich your life and promote self-healing.

Meeting Amazing People: Create unforgettable experiences and make a difference in people's lives.

If these benefits resonate with you, this course is for you!

💗💗💗 The course is inclusive and suitable for everyone, including women working as escorts, in porn industry, or OnlyFans creators.

Join a Growing Field

Tantric massage is a rapidly growing industry.

People globally are becoming more open to reconnecting with their bodies through this practice

The sexual wellness industry was worth £50B in 2020 and is expected to exceed £100b by 2026

Tantric Massage Therapy is one of the fastest-growing niches in massage therapy!


Enroll in MetaMorphoSis and take the first step towards a fulfilling, empowered, and prosperous future.

What MetaMorphoSis Offers You 🦋

This comprehensive training will provide you with all the essential information and more, structured to help you start your journey as a professional tantric massage therapist.

🦋 Recorded Classes & Written Material: Study at your own pace with comprehensive resources. (over 60 audios and written material files).

🦋 Practical Steps: Learn the concrete steps to becoming a professional tantric massage therapist (introduction to tantric massage and everything about setting up your own practice from scratch).

🦋 Engaging stories and juicy practices: learn through compelling narratives and practical exercises.

🦋 Healing & Empowerment: Understand the importance of your own healing and empowerment through the process.

🦋 Tools & Practices: build rich, erotic and fulfilling rituals that will transform the relationship with yourself and your body.

🦋 Exclusive Community: Join a supportive network on Telegram for guidance, encouragement and accountability.

🦋 In-Person Learning: Opportunity to learn tantric massage in person in UK (not included in the course price).

🦋 Professional Services: Have your website and professional photographs created for you (not included in the course price).

Your transformation awaits

Are you ready to embrace a new path?

Start your journey today with MetaMorphoSis and transform your life through the power of tantric massage.

'The butterfly is only beautiful because the caterpillar is brave'

What is required of you

💗 Commitment: Dedicate time to go through each module, listen to all the audios, and complete all the practices.

💗 Courage: Be brave enough to embrace your transformation

💗 Action: Take the necessary steps to implement what you are learning.

💗 Patience & Kindness: Understand that transformation takes time and it will require work and patience

What Is Not Required

🙏 Prior Experience: No previous experience in tantric massage is needed.

🙏 Specific Look or Body Type: All body types, ages and backgrounds are welcome.

🙏 Knowledge About Tantra: You don't need to know anything about tantra beforehand.

🙏 Perfect English: Just bring your willingness to learn, the language is accessible and easy to understand.

Join us

Are you ready to transform your career and your life?

Join MetaMorphoSis and start your journey towards a fulfilling and empowered future.

'You do not just wake up and become a butterfly, growth is a process'

Hi, I'm Moon

For the past seven years, I’ve immersed myself in the art of tantric massage, guiding countless individuals to find profound peace, pleasure, and holistic well-being.

 My journey has been nothing short of transformative and it has allowed me to connect deeply with the essence of tantra and tap into its incredible healing powers.

 With a background as a maths teacher, I have unique insights into the learning process, enabling me to design lessons that are not just educational, but also fun and engaging.

Over the years, I have evolved both personally and professionally, drawing wisdom from my trainings, teachers, experiences, clients, and especially from my own body and soul. I have poured all this knowledge into one place, which is this course.

While I do not claim to be an expert—believing we are all constant students—I am excited to share what I know and what has worked for me. I hope this will lead you to a new place in your life, from which you can further explore other teachings and teachers.

You are invited to join me on this extraordinary path of self-discovery, connection, and ultimate transformation.

My qualifications and some of the trainings and course I attended:

✨ Maths Teacher

✨ ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) - Level 1

✨ ISTA Tantra Festival

✨ Sexual Healing and De-armoring - Gaia Method

✨ Consensual Tantric BDSI (Pathways 1-3)

✨ Plum Village - Mindfulness Retreat

✨ Dr. Joe Dispenza - Week-long Advanced Retreat

✨ 1-2 Days Tantric Massage Short Courses

✨ Sofia Sundari - Deep Feminine online course

My Commitment to you

I am honoured to support you in this incredible adventure that will not only change your life but also the lives of the clients who will soon step into your sacred space.

My journey to where I am today is a testament to everything I will share with you in this course. I know where you are, and I understand the courage it takes to rebuild both your business and your sense of self.

I'm here to guide you through this powerful transformation.

Course Curriculum Includes:

💗 Practical Steps: To build your own tantric massage practice.

💗 Introduction to Tantric Massage: Learn the art and techniques needed for transformative sessions.

💗 Creating a Safe Space: How to establish welcoming environments for your clients.

💗 Setting Boundaries: Understand the importance of and how to set boundaries.

💗 Financial Advice: Helping you achieve financial goals like buying your own home, as I did after only 2 years of working as a tantric massage practitioner

💗 Personal Insights: Stories and experiences that have shaped my journey.

💗 Tools and Rituals: Support your personal transformation as a tantric massage therapist.

💗 Community Support: Engage with a like-minded community to guide you on your journey.

Note: The online course includes detailed descriptions and pictures but not videos of massage sessions. In-person practice is highly recommended.

Additional Opportunities:

🙏 In-Person Training in the UK: Available at an extra cost for hands-on learning.

🙏 Professional Website and Photos: Optional service during your UK training for an additional fee.

Moon through the eyes of others...

Moon is a very special person, and I can honestly and genuinely say that I have never met anyone like her. She embodies what I would refer to as the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine qualities in perfect balance and harmony. She is a warm, soft, empathetic, loving, nurturing and caring person. She is highly intuitive and very much connected to the higher realms and to the invisible web of energy that surrounds and connects us all.
At the same time, she lives a life of purpose where intuition is paired with aligned action, commitment, dedication, discipline, integrity and humility. She is guided by her heart, motivated by pure intentions, but she is also assertive, she knows where to focus and invest her energy, how to maintain healthy boundaries, when to activate her inner warrior and is not afraid of taking risks and diving into the unknown trusting that she will be supported in co-creating.
She is sweet and sophisticated whilst also authentically raw and lovingly blunt
Her wisdom and her way of being is rooted in experiencing and learning to overcome and heal personal trauma motivated by a desire for inner growth, for reconnecting to the feeling of gratitude and appreciation for life and for being able to help others.
It has been such an honour to be invited to work on this course with Moon, to witness what it truly takes to become and continue to be a Tantric Massage Practitioner, how to do this work with so much unconditional love, passion and integrity and how incredibly healing and transformative this work is on the practitioner itself as well as on every single client. It has been an inspirational and magical journey for me, and I am beyond excited to know that with this course she will touch and inspire so many others.

Gabriela- friend, course co-creator


Moon is an embodiment of a modern day Tantrika, she lives and breathes a life of devotion, presence, sacred sexuality and she worships daily at the beautiful temple of the human body (both her own and those that are blessed to encounter her). She was born to walk this path, she is a leader, a teacher, a life long student, a warm hearted, passionate lover and a courageous seeker of truth.
She exudes radical authenticity, vulnerability, grace and gives complete permission for others to invite their own into the moment. She cares deeply, lives in integrity and has a wise soul who has clearly been here before!
Moon is sensitive, she feels fully, deeply and in complete connection with her body. She practices daily, nurtures, nourishes and diligently supports her own self development, fuelled by discipline, commitment and self-love.
Moon is a present, generous, loving and wonderful friend, a source of inspiration, wisdom and encouragement. She calls out the very best of you, always, not afraid to speak her truth or ask for what she needs in order to create trust, safety and ultimately deeper connection.
This body of work she has created is a masterpiece and is the first step in a long and constantly evolving journey. I have no doubt that her heart and work will ripple out supporting countless men, women and their families to integrate their sexual wounds, de-shame their relationships to their bodies and sexuality. This work is truly life changing and I believe in it and Moon wholeheartedly

Matt- friend, therapist, course co-creator


My dear friend Moon is not just my soulmate and soul sister, but the person I know I will grow old with and will share food over the fence with when we are grey and lonely.
Moon is the gentlest, most caring person I’ve ever known. When she first told me she wanted to practice tantra, I felt so honoured to be the first to know. It was then that I truly saw her wonderful gift, and I knew it was perfect for her. Over the years, as she’s touched so many lives through her practice, my respect and admiration for her grew even bigger.
I am so proud to see her wisdom and gift transforming into a course that will help even more people.
Moon’s ability to share the benefits of tantra and healing is going to make such a positive impact, breaking down taboos and misconceptions along the way.
Her selflessness and dedication will touch countless souls, and I can’t wait to see how this journey unfolds.

Alex- soul sister and friend


Your passion is contagious, you are gentle, you have a natural connection with people and you have something like a spark that makes you a really likable person.

And future tantric massage therapists will have so much to learn from you.

Julien, client


I'm slightly at a loss for words to be honest but I will try not to ramble.
You are a beautiful spirit and I am so glad I found you...you radiate goodness and light and I really feel like I imbibed some of that good essence, I feel amazing and that is thanks to you.
I was more patient with bad drivers today, more open with work colleagues which in turn made them more open and it was a pretty good day at work...ripples of goodness all emanating from you.
Without sounding morbid but if I was never to see you again, on my deathbed I would be telling people about the beautiful angel I met called Moon...but I hope you would allow me to visit you again sometime in the not too distant future.

John, client


Are you ready to transform your career and your life?

Join MetaMorphoSis and start your journey towards a fulfilling and empowered future.

‘And just when the caterpillar thought her life was over, she became a butterfly.’